
New Building Commissioning

Global Facility Solutions works with clients to develop and implement customized commissioning plans for new construction or facility retrofits. The process ensures, through documented verification, that all building systems perform interactively according to the design intent and documentation.

Building commissioning provides documented confirmation that building systems function according to criteria set forth in the project documents in order to satisfy the Owner’s operational needs.

The Global Facility Solutions program is a quality process for fully documenting and achieving the performance of building systems and equipment to meet the basis of the design. At the conclusion of a construction or retrofit project, we provide documentation that shows the systems will consistently meet design intent and standards.


While new building commissioning is a process of optimizing a building as it is constructed, retro-commissioning is the same scope applied to enhance the performance of existing buildings. This may include new structures that are under performing or have unexpected problems, existing facilities undergoing changes, or existing buildings being retrofitted for new technologies.

Global Facility Solutions is a member of the Building Commissioning Association. The BCA focuses on identifying critical attributes and elements, rather than attempting to dictate a rigid process.

Why is it needed?
Changing occupant needs, space redistribution, building renovations, and obsolete building systems reduce system efficiency and cause significant occupant complaints. These issues drive up energy and maintenance costs while making your facility less attractive to new and existing occupants.

Contact us to learn more about our commissioning program and how we can help improve your building performance.